torsdag 18. juli 2013

What is a Mystic?

I believe that all children are born mystics, and if you were once a child, you were once a mystic. Christian mysticism is following the example of Christ as he followed the Father. And mysticism is not by any means restricted to Christianity: the Bible says, “everyone who loves is begotten of God, and knows God.” (1 Jn. 4.7) God speaks in various ways, in every time and every place to "whosoever will."

Mystics range the gamut of walks of life, from intellectual priests to a laywomen. The mystic way is old, but timeless—it is alive, and ever -new for each one who chooses it. It may be inviting you to begin this adventure of divine transformation and discovery.

Philip K. Dick was a true modern Mystic. He had his own Mystic visions toward the end of his life, although he was always under the guidance of a revelatory intelligence since the beginning of his career. PKD spent his final years attempting to deconstruct and wordify his mystical vision. I think he was one among very few in the exoteric population (as opposed to the esoteric population which includes Rosicrucians, Illuminati, etc…) who glimpsed the true nature of our “matrix reality.”

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