mandag 15. juli 2013

The river of thought

Is there a source of an -I- in you? If you look inside with honest intention, is it not apparent that this phantom is spawned from the river of thoughts coursing endlessly through our minds? As children we immerse ourselves in thought to create a dream world, one minute we’re puppy dogs, the next we’re rulers of the universe. As adults our fantasies differ only in content. We wade into the river of thought and emerge as left or right or green politicians or one of an endless array of fictional identities. And then we dip down into the river for thoughts to hold up as our guiding principles – thoughts like peace and justice and honor. We pursue these noble principles with passion and urgency, but neither the pursuer nor the pursued exist outside the borders of our fevered imaginations. We are merely concepts chasing concepts in a misguided attempt to heal the world. Is it possible to be invested in the future of humanity when we are so invested in ourselves? Or is this just the story we tell ourselves to salve our conscience when we neatly divide the world into good and evil and trample our fellow human beings on the road to conceptual victories?Is it evil that disrupts the world, or is it ego? Could it be that we have been looking in the wrong direction for the source of our misery?

A strange, paradoxical Zen saying goes, If you die before you die, when you die you will not die. Death is always before your eyes. Don't hide it or deny it or push it away. Death is the diamond heart of your dreamstate being. It is the defining feature that shows you the value of everything. Seeing death gives definition to your life. Death-awareness is life-awareness. You can’t kill him or hide from him you can only turn toward him or away from him. If you turn toward him, befriend him, fully embrace him, not superficially, but as your own essential truth, then death is the demon you can ride into every battle.

Tarantino vs Coen Brothers - making the same movie, over and over and over;

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