mandag 1. juli 2013

Find your purpose

If you follow your excitement you will find your purpose in life. When you find it, act on it! Excitement is caused by a resonance. Excitement is a sign that the activity you are contemplating is aligned, and this alignment is what causes the excitement. This naturally leads you to what you are meant to be doing and is your purpose, so to speak. Mechanically, "excitement" is a high state of resonant-excitation that occurs when the Thinking / Intentions of the physical dimension are aligned with the Thinking /Intentions of the higher. So excitement serves as a compass - to let you know when you're on course. When you follow your excitement, and do what excites you, this means that:

1. This activity is you (truly aligned).
2. Because it is you, this activity is effortless for you.
3. Because it is you, the universe will support you (including financial support) to continue doing this, in progressively more expanding ways.

Following your excitement is following the -signs your given to lead you in the most direct way possible. The catch is, even if following your excitement means doing something seemingly trivial and unprofound, even then, just do it! Because proceeding towards doing this seemingly mundane thing, might lead you to meet someone, or discover something, that is perfect for furthering your life's purpose. Follow your excitement - with integrity mens realizing that everything is a whole and that you are one with the whole. And therefore (Golden Rule), you treat everyone and everything with the same respect and consideration and care that you would want them to treat you. If you have something to give, in the reality you are creating, there are people ready to receive it. If someone has a song to sing, there is an audience in that reality to hear it. Fear or anxiety is excitement with a negative judgement projected onto it.

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