torsdag 4. juli 2013

The Game

You see through your eyes, hear through your ears, feel through your body, and think through your brain. But you are not your eyes, ears, body, or brain, these are just things you experience the world with. So then, what are you? Remember that anything that can be taken away from you cannot be you. Like your clothes or hair, without them you would be bald and naked, but you would still be you. Take away your body and brain. Is there anything left?
Think of your body as a character inside a video game. To interact with the game world you need to play a game character. But you are not the character; you are merely controlling it from outside the game. To interact with the physical world, you need a physical body. Through the body, your mind existing outside this world can play this game called life. A firstperson game where you look through the eyes of a character makes it seem like you are inside its head, but really you are sitting in front of the computer. Likewise, although you sense yourself inside your physical head, you are actually located far beyond it.
The real you was born into this body, into this world, and has forgotten it is just a game character. It does not remember where it came from, where it’s going, why it’s playing the game, and what the point of this game is. It has gotten all wrapped up in the daily experiences of life. But now you are learning what you really are. And like a game, things that happen are scripted, meant to happen from the very beginning.

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