onsdag 31. juli 2013

Slave ?

Jeg spurte aldri hvorfor i min drøm, jeg sov på autopilot, uten ønsker eller et mål. Jeg var uten en plan og hadde ikke tanker om hvorfor, jeg gjorde som jeg gjorde uten spørsmål, helt styrt en slave av kausaliteten, en slave av Maya. I denne tilstanden ble jeg mer og mer klar over hva jeg ikke ville og sa likegodt NEI til alt! Jeg vendte meg mot livet og limitasjonen ble til slutt fullstendige, alt stoppet opp. I den tunge søvnen oppfattet jeg likevel løgnen, hullene, tomheten, jeg kunne se at keiseren manglet klær, jeg sanset repetisjonen med ”samme” personer og situasjoner og jeg forsto at folk flest brukte all sin tid på å løse egenskapte drama. Det som jeg undres over herifra var at jeg aldri konfronterte tryggheten, vissheten -det jeg forsto i meg selv og andre. Jeg forstår ikke nå at jeg ikke stilte spørsmål men bare handlet som en slave, som en uten makt, og ja jeg trødde vannet i et rasende tempo, av gammel vane eller kanskje for å unngå å se på ingentingheten?

Jeg forsøkte aldri å våkne, det rammet meg. Jeg var i konstant krig og alt som var bra, hyggelig, spennende, morsomt eller som hadde potensiale ble ødelagt. Jeg stoppet all flyt, jeg hadde ingen glede av noe og ingen hadde glede av meg. Min linje av limitasjoner måtte bli overskredet - Jeg viste på et eller annet plan at dette var min bane, at det var slik jeg måtte leve, jeg godtok det, stolte på, var trygg på at alt var rett selv om alt var feil. Helt plutselig hadde jeg fått nok, jeg var villig til å gjøre hva som helst for å forstå/mestre det jeg viste at jeg viste. Ikke minst, jeg krevde mestring og en grunn for å leve, jeg krevde å forstå hvorfor før jeg bevegde meg en tomme lenger. Nå gjør jeg ingenting før jeg forstår hvorfor, det er skille mellom den som er slave av kausaliteten og den som er fri! 

tirsdag 30. juli 2013

Should I stay or should i Go?

The fear of living the movie is enormous, - the thought of walking away goes against everything you have been taught. Finally, maybe it’s curiosity, maybe it’s anger, maybe it’s just that you can no longer stand to feel what you’re feeling and you decide, you get up. Nothing happens. No sirens go off, no one comes to make you sit down again, and you begin to think maybe there was nothing to be afraid of. So you decide to walk. As you move down the row toward the aisle, saying “Excuse me, excuse me,” people look at you in astonishment and wonder and dismay. Some even tell you to sit back down, get out of the way, behave. It’s clear they all think you’re crazy. But there’s something inside of you that feels excited despite the fear and urges you on. Finally you make it to the aisle, turn and see that it leads up between the seats; but you can’t yet see the rear of the theater. What is clearer now is that the movie screen continues all the way around the building, 360 degrees; and hanging down from the ceiling in the middle of the theater is a large black ball. Out of the ball very bright light is streaming toward the screen on all sides. You have no idea what it is, or what it means. As you walk up the aisle, you bump into a couple other people going in your direction, and some others returning to their seats. The ones heading back to their seats give you a dirty look, almost hateful, mainly terrified, and someone warns you not to go any further. But you’ve gone this far, you think, and decide you want to find out what’s at the end of the aisle. When you make it to the back, you can see the entire design of the circular theater. In one half are the seats from where you came, all facing in one direction, filled with people staring straight ahead at the movie screens; and behind the seats is a large space where people like you are walking around. Since the IMAX 3D screen continues all the way around the structure, there’s no way to escape the movies that are playing. In other words, your reality, your life follows you everywhere. But something’s different, even if you can’t say what at the moment. The movies haven’t changed, but you have, in some way you can feel but don’t yet understand. There seem to be little groups of people gathering here and there – others like you who had gotten out of their chairs and made it to the back – discussing something that sounds important. It’s all so new, so strange, so difficult to understand, so frightening, so... -unreal. You think about going back to your seat, back to the reality you know well. Then you decide not to, to stay a little longer, at least for now. You stop for a moment at the back of one group and ask,

 What’s going on?

 We’re trying to change things, is the answer.
 What do you mean? you ask.
 We don’t like the movies that are playing. We want different ones, the voice


While seated in the movie theater, you never considered the idea of changing the 
movies. You didn’t know it was possible. But now it’s an interesting thought, and you admit there were movies you wish you hadn’t had to be part of, aspects of your life you would have preferred not to watch and experience. As you continue your trek around the back of the movie theater, you catch bits and pieces of other comments, like -This doesn’t have to be your reality. You have the power to change it, and I can show you how, and Love is all there is, and Quiet your mind. In all the confusion, it finally occurs to you that you have the choice of what to do next, and it feels exciting as well as scary, because you’ve just taken the first step toward self-responsibility and self-realization. 

The Truman Show can help us understand the self -made prison-

Watch full movie:

mandag 29. juli 2013

Total Immersion Movie

Imagine that for your entire life you have been sitting in a chair in a movie theater. The place is dark, like all movie theaters- but you can feel there are restraints – shackles over your wrists and ankles, making it difficult to move your arms or legs. The back of your chair is high, rising above your head so it is impossible to look behind you. All you can see is the movie screen in front of you and the people sitting next to you in the same condition. In front of you, sweeping around on all sides of the theater as far as you can see, is a gigantic IMAX 3D screen. You sit there watching movie after movie, and it seems as if you’re part of the movie itself, fully immersed in it.

Like the shadows and echoes in Plato’s Cave, these movies are all you have ever known. They are, in fact, your only reality, your life. The actors are good and the scripts well-written, and you get emotionally involved in these movies, feeling anger, pain, sadness, regret, joy, enthusiasm, antagonism, fear, and a wide range of other emotions depending on the storyline. You have your favorite characters – family members and friends, for example – who show up often, and others you despise and wish would not appear at all. Some movies are pleasurable to watch, even beautiful at times happy, poignant, satisfying, enjoyable. Others are dark and ominous, disturbing, painful, producing reactions inside you which aren’t very comfortable. You resist watching those and wish you didn’t feel what you were feeling. You close your eyes at times, wanting the script to change. But you’re content to stay there and watch, because you’ve been told and have come to believe from experience – this is the only reality there is, and you have to accept it. The vast majority of people – 95% of the Earth’s population, if I had to guess, maybe more – will die sitting in that movie chair. For others, something interesting will happen one day. In a particularly uncomfortable movie, you might scream “No!” and forcefully twist your body in the chair. Suddenly you’re aware that you no longer feel the shackles on your wrists and ankles, and you realize you can now move your arms and legs. You use your hands to feel around and discover the shackles had no locks on them, ever  and your panicked movements simply pried them open. All along you had just assumed, believed  you were a prisoner, like a dog who stays clear of an invisible fence. You wonder what to do next. You realize you no longer have to sit there and watch the movies if you don’t want to. You could get up; but you don’t, not right away. You might lean over to the person next to you and start telling them there are no locks on the shackles, but all you get is a “Sshhhh” in response. 

Woody Allen’s example-

søndag 28. juli 2013

Is it the wine?

Matrix Reloaded

Choice is an illusion, created between those with power, and those without. Look there, at that woman. I have sent her dessert, a very special dessert. I wrote it myself. It starts so simply, each line of the program creating a new effect, just like poetry. She does not understand why – is it the wine? No. What is it then, what is the reason? And soon it does not matter, soon the why and the reason are gone, and all that matters is the feeling itself. This is the nature of the universe. We struggle against it, we fight to deny it, but it is of course pretense, it is a lie. Beneath our poised appearance, the truth is we are completely out of control. Causality. There is no escape from it, we are forever slaves to it. Our only hope, our only peace is to understand it, to understand the ‘why’. ‘Why’ is what separates us from them, you from me. `Why’ is the only real social power, without it you are powerless. And this is how you come to me, without `why,’ without power. 

lørdag 27. juli 2013


A Ramana Maharshi quote that should settle everything nicely:

There is neither creation nor destruction,
  Neither destiny nor free will,
  Neither path nor achievement;

fredag 26. juli 2013


From Consciousness and the Absolute.. Jean Dunn (One of Nisargadatta’s last talks before he died)
January 30, 1981

M: Just as a person continues going to work every day because he
wants to receive his wages, so you keep coming here because you want
to gain knowledge. Once you have this knowledge, there is no need
for you to stay any longer.

Until you get the knowledge, you don't want to leave; nevertheless,
the only ones who should stay are those who feel a great urgency to
know. (Maharaj sends some more people away.)

I do not want casual seekers to stay here anymore. The only ones who
should stay now are those who have a real yearning about progressing
spiritually, those who are earnest seekers.

If you are an earnest seeker, you should accept my words as the truth
or you should leave, as I do not want merely to entertain you. And
what am I telling you? You are not the body. You are the conscious
presence. Accept it and you can forget it.

In the future, I will not be able to go into the problems of each one
of you. I will simply tell you, "This is false," or, "This is the
truth." You can accept what I say, or you can leave.

Q: I don't have the capacity to accept what Maharaj has given me.

M: If you don't think you have the capacity, then you can go
elsewhere. I am not concerned with any state, which is temporary.
This consciousness state is not of my choosing. The sooner it goes
the better. Once it is known what is temporary and what one's
original state is, no further knowledge is needed.

As soon as consciousness stirred, space and time came. It has a time
limit. In this space-time everyone suffers, so why should I accept
this suffering as something unique? I was always in that blissful,
complete, total state; suddenly I am in this imperfect state. Those
who have apperceived my knowledge will not fall prey to the logic
or spirituality expounded by others. I dare to say to any scholar
who considers himself full of wisdom, that when he was being born I
was watching his birth from a corner. Would you accept this?

Q: Yes. Why did the consciousness arise at all?

M: Hang on to this consciousness which has come and it will explain
why it arose. It is the manifest consciousness, which is
continuously talking, I am not talking. How does the language
emerge? Is it because of your efforts? If you grasp the essence of
the talks, which I am giving, you will illuminate the world. Those
people who run about from place to place aimlessly will gather
nothing. What is it you are after?

Eknath, a country sage who has written wonderful poems, said, " I am
stung by a scorpion!" It is the consciousness. This knowingness is
the scorpion, which is giving me all the pain in the form of various
experiences and concepts.

I am telling you with the authority of a jnani, everything is
unreal. This is all the play due to your consciousness, and your
consciousness is due to the food essence body.

Q: I am grateful to my body, which has brought me here.

M: You have come here just to commit suicide.