lørdag 29. mars 2014

It´s not me

When one has a right vision, one allows anything that is arising in life as life movement itself, one doesn't judge if this is good or bad, fortunate or unfortunate. One understands it's not me, mine, for me or against me. Its life living and harmonizing itself. Can you see how infinitely intricate this is, and how divine all is?

søndag 23. mars 2014

What is What is?

All there is is what is . . . but what is what is? Well, there is no real answer to that question. However, it seems that what is could be just what is happening . . . reading these words, sitting on a seat, trees growing, sounds, feelings, clouds or thoughts passing by and so on. In simple terms these events just seem to be what is happening. But the perspective here is that the essence of what is happening is a secret. It is suggested that what is is oneness appearing as twoness, the absolute being relative. It is the treasure that is longed for and feared most, the perfect lover and the grim reaper. It is of course the ultimate paradox, being simultaneously nothing and everything. The seeker attempts to be aware of or conscious of what is and immediately that function separates and objectifies and makes solid that which is wonderfully floating, effervescent and ungraspable.The essence of what is can’t be seen by me and so me never feels fulfilled because its experiences seem to have something missing. In what is is also what isn’t. This is the wonder of wholeness because it appears as both simultaneously. Everything that is something is also already nothing . . . there are not two! Everything is therefore real and unreal, but me experiences everything as only real. Within this illusion me attempts to transform this dualistic and unsatisfactory experience into processes such as “living in the moment” or “being here now” or accepting everything as “consciousness”.

However, and again, the wonderful paradox of the play of wholeness is that the story of me is also what is. All of the dreams and hopes, processes and religious aspirations are only wholeness appearing as a separate entity rushing around looking for itself and also hiding from itself by already being everything. And in being everything, even the avoidance or rejection of what is is what is.

tirsdag 18. mars 2014

Seeing and Not Seeing

 A simple, direct, but fundamental shift in perception reveals that all there is - is liberation. But oneness does not become apparent through something gained, rather through something lost. Many will come across this rare and radical message and quickly shuffle back to that which they think they can know and do. But there are those with whom this communication will resonate and there will be a sudden seeing and falling away of all seeking, even for that which they have called enlightenment. All there is - is this. Oneness is being whatever is apparently happening reading these words, breathing, blood coursing through the body, sounds being heard, thoughts coming and going and feelings in the body - the sense of sitting on a seat maybe. Here is oneness being aliveness as this. No effort is needed for that aliveness to be. Nobody is doing aliveness. Is anybody doing sitting on a chair? Thinking is oneness thinking "I don't get where this is going", or "this is too simple". All is simply aliveness, oneness, being. It cannot be taught or achieved. Who is apart from being to achieve being? Who can lose or gain this when this is all there is? Resisting oneness is oneness resisting. Seeking oneness is oneness seeking itself.

fredag 14. mars 2014

What´s it like?

What's it like to be a human 
the bird asked
I myself don't know

it's being held prisoner by your skin 
while reaching infinity 
being a captive of your scrap of time 
while touching eternity 
being hopelessly uncertain 
and helplessly hopeful
being a needle of frost 
and a handful of heat 
breathing in the air 
and choking wordlessly 
it's being on fire 
with a nest made of ashes 
eating bread 
while filling up on hunger
it's dying without love 
it's loving through death

That's funny said the bird
and flew effortlessly up into the air

onsdag 12. mars 2014

Birth and Death are Misconceptions

Humans tend to regard themselves as supreme by nature, in contrast to what is generally viewed as a primitive world. Our lives are virtually encased in a sense of divinity, assumed to distinguish us from everything else. This sense of division is also connected to the belief in an inherently separate self.
Humans commonly see themselves as at least subtly God-like, marked by what is called consciousness. A dividing wall is imagined to separate mind from matter, the animate from the inanimate. Consciousness is seen as our divine self, and death, a fall into lowly materiality. The inseparable interrelatedness of people to everything else generally goes unacknowledged. The world provides us with things, but we are not of it. This dualism requires that we either accept eternal selfhood or be doomed to oblivion, death, as a descent into an incoherent abyss.
While the notion of human privilege appears to be an advantage, it is our affliction, resulting in an outlook of separation, conflict and defensive fear. The idea of birth as an independent point of origin and death as a final endpoint, is a misconception. An altogether different understanding of life and death, and of the relationship of consciousness to the world is necessary.

lørdag 8. mars 2014

Alternative People

Alternative beliefs and outlooks, alternative business and politics, alternative lifestyles and health care, alternative foods and fabrics, alternative child rearing and schooling, alternative fuels and energies - alternative everything, basically, but not very alternative. These are the alternatives within the established paradigm, not alternatives to it- a subherd running in parallel to the main body. Rather than detaching from their ego structures, alternative people merely reshape them along more heart-felt and self-centric lines, their multivarious goals and ideals reducing to personal happiness via the removal, avoidance, and denial of unhappiness. In short, they make a minor course adjustment from orthodox to somewhat less orthodox beliefs, and the reason underlying the many apparent reasons for this change is always the same, survival of ego. A chameleon-like adaptability is one of Maya's most effective maneuvers. Paint some trees on the walls of your cell and some clouds on the ceiling and you're free as a bird.  

fredag 7. mars 2014

Neti, neti – not this, nor this

The secret here is that it does not matter who you are, it only matters who you are not. 
 Someone in this position has achieved a grand and wonderful capacity for mystical experience of a transcendental variety. ‘He’ remains the Observer, watching and pleasantly invulnerable. Delightfully immortalized by the event. There is no crisis here. There is no death event. It’s all a bit like watching a good movie on a Saturday afternoon with the family. Lovely to be sure and very human, but…it goes not to freedom, I suspect. I am reminded of my favorite quote attributed to Jesus, where he is reported as advising: “he who loves his life shall lose it…”
This is not an event, such as Ramana relates, of lying down and being consumed by a fear of death and then utterly surrendering himself to that impending death. Moreover it will never, I predict, become one. It is actually a distraction and a block that will prevent such an event from occurring.
You may well ask: why disparage the elegance of an Advaitic exercise whereby the user enquirers: ‘Who am I’ and then responds ‘neti, neti,’ and who in the course of that exercise ‘loses his/her mind’ and experiences a delightful bliss. The point here is that what has been undone by this enquiry. Isn’t it of ‘the mind’, and not of the self. 
Freedom from identification with his thoughts and even the mind has occurred, which is thrilling, but still masks the secret seed of the self which is relating this delightful tale to us. But that’s the one that has got to die, not be entertained. This kind of refined spiritual experience is the first form of the self-contraction and the last delusion. It was actually produced by our beloved Lover, who goes by the name of Maya, done for our great entertainment, and to keep us thinking we have exited her amusement park, when actually we are just ensconced in a secret place of enjoyment, in an obscure corner of her Amusement Park. It is not about liberation.

onsdag 5. mars 2014


"Whenever it is in any way possible, every boy and girl should choose as his life work some occupation which he should like to do anyhow, even if he did not need the money." -William Lyon Phelps

tirsdag 4. mars 2014


When I am talking about interests, it's genuine interest, curiosity to explore some area, some obstacles that needs to go through, some lessons to learn, some changes to happen in order for some movement to be exercised. When I talk about interest, what I am talking about is the area where the attention goes. You turn your head on a man on a street, this is an indicator that something in that area asks to be explored. So explore and move on. This exploration may take 20 years of marrige, children and all, or maybe one short relationship to try the play of masculine and feminine, and the interest will turn to another area. Without touching interest, only thinking about it, denying it, there will be a split of attention to all the areas of interests, and partial attention is not sufficient for some endevioirs, especially to wake up from the dream.

All these interests are valid, and there is no higher or lower, more nobble or more mundane. It's divine appearances, and they all have right to be explored and will not leave you until you explore them. This does not mean that if one awake, one looses feelings, and interests, and curiosity. Attention naturally flow from one area to another, if something is not explored, it will be explored anyways, through this movement or that movement, this situation or that.

Do not resist anything, be curious, notice obvious. Movement of attention in a form of feeling, sensations is truer then conditioned thought about the area of interest. Explore. Play the roles that asked to be played until it's not interesting anymore, then play something else.

Don't be stuck on idea of awakening and enlightenment being the most important area for you if you turn your head on the man on the street. Accept that a man takes your interest. Naturally this area needs more exploration. Explore it wholeheartedly and see what's next