søndag 30. juni 2013

Project Mayhem

The First Rule of Project Mayhem: You Do Not Ask Questions

    Do the members of Project Mayhem become free, or have they just enslaved themselves to Tyler instead of mainstream culture?

    Is there more purpose in wars than in boxing matches? Underneath the rhetoric, justifications, and apparent causes, is the violent drama in the world ultimately an attempt to alleviate cosmic boredom?

-When you think you have the answers to any questions, look at them again, and ask yourself, Am I sure? How do I know? How do I really, really know, apart from conditioning?

lørdag 29. juni 2013


From the standpoint of ordinary consciousness, separateness seems to be a basic part of the human condition. Most human beings experience themselves as egos trapped inside their own minds space, observing a world who seems to be out there, on the other side of their skulls. As a result, the normal human state is one of aloneness. We are always onlookers rather than participants. We can communicate with other people by speaking, writing or gesturing, but they will never be able to truly know us, or to share our thoughts and feelings. Our inner being will always be sealed off from them. Ego-separation also creates a sense of incompleteness. Because we are separate from the world, we are like fragments which have broken off from the whole, and so we feel a sense of insufficiency. There s a kind of hole inside us which we spend most of our lives trying to fill (but very rarely manage to), like cats who were taken away from their mother at birth and who are always hankering for affection and attention to try to compensate for a sense of lack. Born-again Christians mean something close to this when they say that there is a god-shaped hole inside us although in my view traditional religion can't fill the hole either, only provide the same (ultimately incomplete) consolation as wealth or success.

As a result of this aloneness and incompleteness, we don t feel completely at home in the world. We re not completely rooted here, and so feel somehow adrift, as if we don t fully belong, like people who have travelled around the world so much that they no longer feel at home anywhere. Whereas traditional indigenous peoples seem to perceive the world as a benign and benevolent place, to us it seems indifferent and even vaguely malevolent.

A wonderfull movie (Christopher Nolan) - Memento 


fredag 28. juni 2013

Philip K Dick

I'm a big Phillip K. Dick fan he  produced an astonishing amount of material during the 1950s and 1960s, writing and selling nearly a hundred short stories and some two dozen or so novels during this period, including "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?," "Time Out Of Joint," "The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch," and the Hugo-award winning "The Man In The High Castle." A supremely chaotic personal life (Dick was married five times) along with drug experimentation, sidetracked Dick's career in the early 1970s. He would later maintain that reports of his drug use had been greatly exaggerated by sensationalistic colleagues. In any event, after a layoff of several years, Dick returned to action in 1974 with the novel "Flow My Tears, The Policeman Said." Perhaps more importantly, though, this same year Dick would have a profound religious experience that would forever alter his life. Dick's final years were haunted by what he alleged to be a 1974 visitation from God, or at least a God-like being. Dick spent the rest of his life writing copious journals regarding the visitation and his interpretations of the event. At times, Dick seemed to regard it as a divine revelation. His final novels all deal in some way with the entity he saw in 1974, especially "Valis," in which the title-character is an extraterrestrial God-like machine that chooses to make contact with a hopelessly schizophrenic, possibly drug-addled and decidedly mixed-up science fiction writer named Philip K. Dick. Despite his award-winning novels and almost universal acclaim from within the science-fiction community, he achieved a measure of financial stability, partly due to the money he received from the producers of Blade Runner (1982) for the rights to his novel "Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep?" upon which the film was based. Shortly before the film premiered, however, he died of a heart attack at the age of 53. Since his death, several other films have been adapted from his work Total Recall (1990), and A Scanner darkly are most famous but there are several novels and films who have been published after his death.

torsdag 27. juni 2013

Rosa elefant

Hvem er det som utfører handlingene om der ikke finne en aktør? 
Aktøren forsvant herfra og bildet på et selv som driver historien fremover finnes ikke lenger.
Jeget /selvet pleide å bli sett og bekreftet innenfra og fra andre. 
Selvet ble beskrevet som, stolt, sterk, i kontroll, ledende, målbevisst, handlekraftig og klar. Aktøren er nå vekk, forsvunnet, borte. 
Fra utsiden blir en forsatt  reflektert, nå med nye verb; difus, lys, lett, forvirrende, glad, rolig, trygg, tilstede. 
En må være noe. 
Den vi tror vi er, sees fra her, som en rosa elefant som alle senser men ingen ser.
Det vi tror vi er, er, ett verb.

I to år lekte hjernen med en rekke spørsmål, hva betyr det for det som skjer om der er, eller ikke er, en aktør? Det som skjer ser ut til å skje like enkelt /komplisert som før, så hva betyr det at der ikke er en som gjør? Hva betyr det å si at der ikke er noen som gjør, at det som skjer, skjer uavhengig av en aktør. Aktiviteter skjer, hvem betaler og hvem blir betalt når en jobber? Hvem gjør det som blir utført? Noen kaller dette som gjør for  livet eller en livskraft. En kan kalle det som handler og beveger  for livskraft, men hva er det?  og hva betyr det at livet gjør? Hva er det som skjer? Hvem er det da som gjør? Noen ganger skaper vi spørsmål som ikke har meningsfulle svar (Zen Koan): kan gud skape en stein som er så stor at han ikke kan løfte den? Problemet er at spørsmålet allerede er så fullt av antagelser at man ikke kan svare. Spørsmålet betinger enighet om sannheter som ikke eksisterer fra her, om steiner, om geologi, om gud og om tyngdekraften og ikke minst om begrensningene i språket. Spørsmålet fordrer en objektiv virkelighet, regler og lover. Oppvåkningen handler om å frigjøre seg fra lovene, enigheten og om å se verden subjektivt.

Det en må finne ut av er: Hvem er det som gjør ting, har du noen tanker om hva det er? Hva det ikke er? Hvem eier det? Hvor er det? Den "rosa elefanten" er alltid rett foran deg, kan du se den? Sitt med dette, se, kanskje finner du noe, kanskje ikke.

onsdag 26. juni 2013

The journey

This experience of limitation is what you asked for and what you got. For most of us, it all started around the age of two. With our development of language, we noticed that we could create an apparent separation simply by saying 'NO!'. We could disapprove and immediately create a game, of which we were player, referee, coach and fan. Acceptance is the way out of that game. Acceptance is a quality of truth, the flavor of truth.

An old Russian movie from the 70s illustrate the wake up journey. Its about going in to the Zone, an alien place guarded by barbed wire and soldiers. Over his wife's numerous objections, a man rises in the dead of night: he's a stalker, one of a handful who have the mental gifts (and who risk imprisonment) to lead people into the Zone to the Room, a place where one's secret hopes come true. That night, he takes two people into the Zone: a popular writer who is burned out, cynical, and questioning his genius; and a quiet scientist more concerned about his knapsack than the journey. In the deserted Zone, the approach to the Room must be indirect. As they draw near, the rules seem to change and the stalker faces a crisis.



