lørdag 31. august 2013

Attention Seeker?

It happened that one Zen master was passing through a street. A man came running and hit him hard. The master fell down. Then he got up and started to walk in the same direction in which he was going before, not even looking back. A disciple was with the master. He was simply shocked. He said, "Who is this man? What is this? If one lives in such a way, then anybody can come and kill you. And you have not even looked at that person, who he is, and why he did it."

The master said, "That is his problem, not mine." You can clash with an enlightened man, but that is your problem, not his. And if you are hurt in that clash, that too is your own problem. He cannot hurt you. And it is like knocking against a wall - you will be hurt, but the wall has not hurt you.

The ego is always looking for trouble. Why? Because if nobody pays attention to you, the ego feels hungry. It lives on attention. If nobody is paying any attention to you, nobody thinks that you are somebody important, significant, then how will you feed your ego?

fredag 30. august 2013

Programmed for Self-Centeredness

We live our lives asleep. Our minds are programmed for self-centeredness. This programming causes us to spend our lives seeking the future for a sense of contentment we can't seem to find. It causes conflict in our relationships and to say that we live in self-centeredness and conflict is not a moral judgment. It's a statement of fact. Look around. The good news is that awakening from this self-centered dream is possible. This awakening reveals a depth of freedom and contentment that no relationship, job, material item, self-improvement plan, or other worldly accomplishment can bring. This level of freedom frees us from our endless seeking towards future. It frees us from conflict so that our real nature as love shines through, into every area of life. We believe we are separate selves.  It's a belief system. That is all. No one told us this in school. Our teachers did not tell us the truth because they didn't know. Our parents didn't know either. So we've inherited this sense of separation. It goes unexamined throughout our whole lives . . . until a desire to know the truth arises.

This is about truly waking up out of the self-centered dream of being a separate person. In that awakening, the wholeness that we've been seeking in the future and in worldly things reveals itself to be ever present. Every experience is accepted and loved as it is. This is about seeing through this belief in separation. In the simple recognition of presence as our true nature, we go from being self-centered to being selfless. That makes all the difference. That seeing is what life is all about. It's why we are here on earth.   

torsdag 29. august 2013

Den Fjerde Vei

Gurdjieffs er en som mange begynnende sjamaner og mystikere stifter bekjentskap med. Hans filosofi handler om den Fjerde Vei og den sier at mennesket har muligheten til å våkne opp til en utvidet tilstand av nærvær og at oppmerksomheten kan hjelpe en til å nå dette målet. Filosofien handler om en bedre drøm, ikke det å våkene opp fra drømmen. Filosofien hevder at selve "oppmerksomheten" må bli mer fri og snus i en annen retning. Ved å dele oppmerksomheten opp så blir det mulig å begynne å observere seg selv. De sier videre at vi har tre fokuspunkt /sentre hode, kropp og følelser –og skal arbeide med ulike energier, og deres tilstand bestemmer hva slags innflytelse som når oss. Vi kan motta høyere innflytelser men bare hvis våre sentre er disponert på en bestemt måte. Ny kunnskap er nødvendig, en kunnskap som leder til en ny forståelse av mennesket og til en forandring i vårt nærvær, det vil si utvikling. Videre hevdes det at den Fjerde vei må leves og jeg som person kan i følge filosofien arbeide med å være mer tilstede og da trenger jeg ulike praksiser som gjør at jeg kommer tilbake til meg selv(når jeg tar meg selv i å ha forlatt tilstedeværelsen). Jeg må altså bli i stand til å observere hvordan jeg identifiserer meg med livets krefter, hvordan kreftene virker på meg og drar meg i ulike retninger (fokuset mitt) og det i meg som er stille og uforanderlig, upåvirket (upersonlig) er målet med praksisen. Etterhvert vil jeg få tilhold i det naturlige og kunne se på det skiftende.

onsdag 28. august 2013

There for you

When it all went down
And the pain came through
I get it now
I was there for you
Don't ask me how
I know it's true
I get it now
I was there for you
I make my plans
Like I always do
But when I look back
I was there for you
I walk the streets
Like I used to do
And I freeze with fear
But I'm there for you
I see my life
In full review
It was never me
It was always you
You sent me here
You sent me there
Breaking things
I can't repair
Making objects
Out of thoughts
Making more
By thinking not
Eating food
And drinking wine
A body that
I thought was mine
Dressed as Arab
Dressed as Jew
O mask of iron
I was there for you
Moods of glory
Moods so foul
The world comes through
A bloody towel
And death is old
But it's always new
I freeze with fear
And I'm there for you
I see it clear
I always knew
It was never me
I was there for you
I was there for you
My darling one
And by your law
It all was done

tirsdag 27. august 2013


"I am come as Time, the ultimate waster of people, ready for the hour that ripens to their doom. The warriors, arrayed in hostile armies facing each other, shall not live, whether you strike or stay your hand." 

Hope' is usually believed to be such a good thing. People often say things like -when all else fails, at least we have hope. But really to have hope is an incredible delusion that takes you on a roller-coaster up high to a perfect dream, and then crashes down to awful hellish disappointment. Instead of facing reality right now, people so often prefer the dream of hope because it seems sweeter than feeling whatever is here right now. But this hope is sickly sweet poison. It is always putting life off into an imaginary future. It is always about waiting for a -one day that will only ever be a dream. Awakening is about waking up from the sickly sweet dream of hope, and simply experiencing whatever is felt right now, whether it fits into your ideas of what should be, or not. Truly losing hope, although it can seem terrible to the thinking, is the best thing that can ever happen to you.- This body-mind lost all hope and got awakening!