søndag 27. april 2014

More to lose ?

For many spiritual people, spirituality is a walk in the park on a sunny day, bubbling with pretty notions of peace on earth and good will toward men. It's softcore spirituality, full of soft focus and soft lighting and soft music, everything soft and fluffy, all moving towards some earthshaking climax that never seems to materialize. Anyone involved in the actual process of awakening would view such frivolity the way men on a bloody battlefield view children playing war in backyards. You talk about a revolution, but revolutions aren't like afternoon tea parties with fine china and extended pinkies - they're hellish nightmares from which you can't wake up. Real spirituality is a savage insurrection, the oppressed rising up in a do-or-die bid for freedom. It's not something people do to improve themselves or earn merit or impress friends or to find greater joy and meaning in life. It's a suicidal assault on a foe of unimaginable superiority. Like David and Goliath. Our Goliath is large and powerful and cunning and all-seeing. Our David is puny and weak and stupid and blind. He has no advantage in this fight whatsoever, except the heart to fight and his rock. We can think of the rock as truth, and truth is the giant-killer. Truth destroys everything. Goliath has every power and advantage except truth, and that's why we can fight and win; we have truth and Maya doesn't. Still, it's not a one-shot deal where David throws the rock and Goliath tips over dead. It's a long, ugly struggle because we are both friend and foe- David and Goliath reside within. Every inch of ground takes everything we have. Lessons aren't delivered as quaint little parables and allegories, but as irreparable losses, lesson after lesson, loss after loss. Every step is a loss and as long as there's more to lose, there are more steps to take. Everything is lost. Nothing is gained.

tirsdag 22. april 2014

Seeking is the movement of separation

We become separate and take on the thought “I am a separate person” from a very early age and at that moment of separation, seeking starts. We seek for that which we think we’ve lost. So we grow up in a world where we’re taught to endeavor and make our lives work. Seeking enlightenment is another way of being successful and we usually go to a teacher that teaches us that there’s still an individual with choice. Most teachings are like that. Liberation can happen, which is the realization that the seeker who wants to own that is also Oneness. In liberation there is no longer a sense of being a separate individual. Liberation is the complete end of the sense of separation. But there’s still a bodymind organism that has conditioned memories, and has responses and preferences. That’s aliveness. That goes on.

mandag 14. april 2014

All there is

All there is, is No-thing Being Everything and what appears as part of that everything is the belief and experience of being a separate self -an apparent individual with its own free will, choice and ability to act. This happening is uniquely human and is called self-consciousness. To most people it is the reality. That apparent feeling of being separate is at the root of the suffering, inadequacy and sense of loss that drives people to search for escape or resolution. It is Being dreaming that it is apart from itself, looking all over the place for that which is already Everything. It is the hypnotic dream of separation which, for the dreamer, is very real.
The dilemma for the dreamer/ seeker is that the feeling of separation drives the seeking for resolution, which further fuels the sense of separation.The development of an intelligent understanding 'mind' apparently brings with it the ability to make choices and take actions in an attempt to negotiate with 'the world' lived in. These negotiations are not always successful and the individual seems to experience its own pain and pleasure. It also develops a great respect for the guidance and control apparently emanating from the understanding 'mind'. However, as long as there is a sense of separation, there is a sense of disquiet or loss and there is a seeking to dispel that sense. It seems logical that the much respected understanding 'mind' must be capable of investigating the cause of this disquiet and discovering ways of dispelling it.

onsdag 9. april 2014

Change your frequency

At each moment there is a thought, and the next thought depends on the previous thought. The string of thoughts is not chosen, but rather come together by momentum, based on the sameness frequencies of the thoughts. This magnetic pull of similar thoughts creates a unique story of "me" happy or sad, good or bad. At each moment there is also a possibility to start recieving different thoughts, but that requires an alchemy of the mind that we call mindfulness. Mindfulness is noticing without judgment. This noticing alone is so powerful that it can shift the magnetic gathering of the thoughts of the same frequencies, like changing the channels on TV.

torsdag 3. april 2014

Sannhetens pris

Når du tar dine første vaklende skritt mot opplysning så tror du at dette handler om noe du skal oppnå, få, tilegne deg. Fakta er helt annerledes, det handler om reduksjon, det er døden, det er å slutte å være menneske i verden. Sannhetens pris er alt, -dette er ikke en metafor/ bilde men den faktiske prisen for sannheten, den krever absolutt alt i bytte ,- og sannhet hva er det- ingenting i evigheten. Opplysning er å bytte alt bort for ingenting og der finnes ingen vei tilbake, så du må være temmelig  sikker på at dette er det du vil ha....