mandag 16. november 2015

Its about unbecoming who you never were

Enlightenment is selfless awareness.  The process of enlightenment is not about becoming who you really are but about unbecoming who you never were.  It cannot be desired or wished for because prior to its achievement failure is pre-ordained by the radical deconstruction of self required to slip from the grip of the intolerable lie of 'self'.  From the perspective of ego, enlightenment is the biggest nothing of all time, totally anti-climactic, like waking up from a spectacular dream.  But, further, this Truth is beyond any possible sensation or thought in the mind -- it is more than human.  The real price of enlightenment, of immortality, is the severance of your attachment to all that is mortal, a complete disidentification with all that changes and passes away -- this entire world, in a nutshell.  This is something you must see for yourself, a madness you will embark upon only when your current position becomes untenable -- when you have no choice.  When your need is authentic you will get out of your own way and the universe will respond.  Grace happens.  So there is no such thing as an enlightened person; it's an immutable contradiction for that 'person' has ceased to exist and yet you (?) continue.  Perfectly human.

mandag 28. september 2015

It’s just happening,

Personal claim on life or what’s to happen or not happen, is a dream. Life doesn’t belong to someone in time. It’s happening, and there is an energy,  one extra part that life plays, an energy of claiming life, “I am choosing, I am doing.” But there is no choice, no doing or doer.  Reality /Life doesn’t need our help to be itself. 

What a relief! Life is not personal. There is no world our there happening to someone. There is life. There is just life. And you are life, but not you as a “who you think you are.” – we’re not who we think we are…we’re not the stories. 

tirsdag 8. september 2015

A change of perception

Enlightenment is a change of perception - in how reality is seen. But this shift in perception change everything -the  way life is lived, and it change nothing at all. Reality does not change, but for the dream character life changes a lot. If you perceive that your life changed, for better or worse, you improve or became wiser, closer to enlightenment or you feel enlightened, you are asleep and dreaming… you are not a dream character, sooner or later reality will reveal itself to itself, and the question about one's enlightenment drops…all questions drop…nothing to seek, nothing to reach for…just live life as it is.

onsdag 26. august 2015

lørdag 8. august 2015

A letter of love

As the human I always move to that which is more pleasurable. No matter what. Even in the act of saving someone, that to comes from the movement towards pleasure. Always. As a human I pick my own benefit every time. While we have the same destinations, same goals, we will float together like two logs flowing down the river. I am sorry for all the times as the human I picked me over you - I couldn't help it that was my programming, I am set up to do that. I am set up to make mistakes and be selfish and to change and to have constantly different opinions. I am sorry for the production of thoughts which think they know anything about anything, I am sorry that sometimes I take them more seriously and I argue with your thoughts but I can't help it - I am set up that way. I am sorry for wanting to be right and even believing that. It's nothing personal it’s just this machine is wired that way. I am sorry for any pain or rejection I have caused or any time I didn't reflect back your divinity. I want to but I am human and I have to move, always moving….
But as beingness I love you beyond any type of love in this world. Any type of word or expression. Everything is wiped clean in every instant and nothing is held to. It's gone my mistakes and your mistakes as well. But also your joyous beautiful presence. It all goes and appears as if it never happened. It's so free to express in anyway - all its colors, the mistakes of the humans and the beauty of them. This love is so free it is nothing in this world but at the same time not outside it. But if this beautiful appearance of the human doesn't appear and be program just as it’s programmed I wouldn't get to look at you.

tirsdag 28. juli 2015

torsdag 25. juni 2015

Nothing and Everything

In the beginning there was NOTHING then EVERYTHING said 'let there be light,' and there was still NOTHING but it could be seen.

onsdag 27. mai 2015

En film alle må se..

Dette er en nydelig film som bør få alle til å ville våkne opp fra illusjonen -hvor alt tilsynelatende er så fult av mening og mål.. filmen viser på fantastisk vis hvordan vi "utbytter" hverandre og det meningsløse som er vårt tjenestebaserte arbeidsliv som selvfølgelig er like meningsløst som det filmen gir et bilde av og det å forstå det meningsløse i alt er et lite steg på veien mot oppvåkning..

onsdag 13. mai 2015


Krishna said "My true being is unborn and changeless. I am the Lord who dwells in every creature. Through the power of my own maya, I manifest myself in a finite form" 

søndag 3. mai 2015

Stop seeking

If I tell you there is nothing to seek, it would be absolutely true. It's all here now, nothing to add. These words are a spiritual cliche until one really realise it, then it's a simple truth. Telling "there is nothing to seek" would work only for 1% of the spiritual seekers. 99% of us have to go through every workshop possible, every teacher on the way, technique and modality of self improvement, some type of meditation technique, drug or whatever else from a spititual toolbox to exhost the drive of seeking. The seeking drops by itself when all is explored, and the grace of "it's all here now" descends. Life frees itself from the drive to seek for something in a future, and continues "chopping wood and washing dishes"

tirsdag 28. april 2015

The answer

Life is the answer, but to no question. If there is any, aren't "you" life itself?

mandag 6. april 2015

This is not self-help

This isn’t a self-help blog. It doesn’t guide you on how to live a better life or a better story or a better you or how to manifest the perfect experience. This blog simply points to home beyond any experience. It points back to that which has always been there despite who and what you believed yourself and the world to be. It is true freedom, not one based on hope or perfection in the flow of life.
This is about the perfection and love of simply being.

fredag 27. mars 2015


All time appears here. This ..... is not a result of time. That's mind blowing because we presumed that 'this' is a result of time. It's the absolute opposite, we got it all wrong from the beginning.

onsdag 18. mars 2015

What if?

What if you saw life through the eyes of someone that doesn’t feel enough. Doesn’t think her life, what she do, what she are, is enough. What if she only saw the wonder of this world from a perspective of comparison? From a language based on duality, opposites and judgement. What a dull, boring world this would seem. Full of unfairness, disappointment and hate.
Thankfully - there is nobody. There is nobody looking at this world. There never has been, there never will be. There is just freedom, boundlessness – always not twoness.

torsdag 12. mars 2015

Thinking is not the problem

Thinking is an integral part of the functioning of the body. Thinking is not the problem. Thinking you are a separate-independant-autonomous being is the cause of the problem and the very problem itself. They are not many thought, only one,  and it is the idea of separate being-ness.

mandag 2. mars 2015

fredag 20. februar 2015

You live in the past

Every human is living at least 80 milliseconds in the past. Our consciousness lags behind actual events and that when you think an event occurs, it has already happened before your brain has a chance to create a cohesive picture of the world

tirsdag 10. februar 2015

The addiction to self

The mental process then claims everything: I am the one seeing, doing, etc. It's my body.

If your attention left the mental process, if you weren't so addicted to the idea of being a self, if your attention could entertain, "Possibly I'm not this that I'm so absorbed in and as," you would see there is no need to get out of self because there was never a self to be in. Sensations of the body are hijacked by the mental process which spins out a story of feelings about you. About what was you and what is going to be you. Then the thoughts reinforce that. Obsessing over self all day.

We are saddled with the proscribed way of looking called self-centeredness. Everything is perceived as to how it pertains to me. The thing to do is to turn the light on it to see that all there is, is subject; there is no object called me as a subject. There's just subjectivity. That's the truth. Then enlightenment and all these goals become non-goals, because you realize there is nothing to seek. 

You already know what the game is like when you're identified as the body. Now you might see how it goes when you're not. The narration about the journey is the heaviness. You'll see the solution by the problem's absence. When that narration is dismissed you realize, "That's what I was suffering from!"

fredag 9. januar 2015


Conscience is a state in which a man feels all at once everything that he in general feels, or can feel. And as everyone has within him thousands of contradictory feelings which vary from a deeply hidden realization of his own nothingness and fears of all kinds to the most stupid kind of self-conceit, self-confidence, self-satisfaction, and self-praise, to feel all this together would not only be painful but literally unbearable. If a man whose entire inner world is composed of contradictions were suddenly to feel all these contradictions simultaneously within himself, if he were to feel all at once that he loves everything he hates and hates everything he loves; that he lies when he tells the truth and that he tells the truth when he lies; and if he could feel the shame and horror of it all, this would be the state which is called 'conscience. A man cannot live in this state; he must either destroy contradictions or destroy conscience. He cannot destroy conscience, but if he cannot destroy it he can put it to sleep, that is, he can separate by impenetrable barriers one feeling of self from another, never see them together, never feel their incompatibility, the absurdity of one existing alongside another. But fortunately for man, that is, for his peace and for his sleep, this state of conscience is very rare.

G. I. Gurdjieff, quoted by Ouspensky, In Search of the Miraculous pg 155

søndag 4. januar 2015


Life is so intelligent, it will always challenge you, put you into trouble and then solve it all for you. And as there is no 'you', life is just at play.