onsdag 23. juli 2014

Your mind and...you

Your mind can’t take a walk, but it can think while you are taking a walk. It can’t make love but it can chatter away while you are making love. Your mind can’t hold a job, but it has lots of opinions and judgments about what you do for a living.

Your mind can’t really influence what will happen or what has happened but continually acts as though it is in control of practically everything. Your mind seldom shuts up!

Your mind doesn’t really ever do anything!

tirsdag 15. juli 2014

Thoughts create your world

Watch your thoughts, not like a laser, just gentle watch them come and go for a minute or so and get an idea of how many there are, just a sense. Now, adopt an attitude that your are going to welcome them. Just gently imagine you are welcoming them as an empty space for them.  The reason I am suggesting this is it's pretty subtle. I think you will observe that a gentle opening and welcoming will, counter-intuitively, reduce the number of thoughts that come up. Thoughts only appear, or become evident, when there is some resistance. You might experiment by trying to resist/stop them and see what occurs. You create your world by resisting and the first thing you need in order to resist anything is to become a something/somebody. You have a developed sense  of a 'me' and use it to resist the world.

After you have welcomed everything, try welcoming what you think you are. It's is only and always just another thought, albeit a sticky one and all it wants is confirmation and recognition. So... give it what it wants. Loads of it, tons of it. You are the most recognized 'me' in existence. Anywhere people look, even in Readers Digest, all they see is you. Google 'you' and there you are. Everywhere in the world when a person says 'I' they are referring to you. 6.5 billion people are talking about you, all the time. Wow, your identity is overwhelmingly popular. Fake as it is, love it, cherish it, embrace it and be endlessly grateful for it. Why? why not?

tirsdag 8. juli 2014

Stairway to haven

You are climbing a stairway to heaven, however, it is very dark. All you can feel is the next step as you place your foot on it. It is foggy and you don't know where you are. You sometimes feel that the stairway is moving down for that next step, a little contrary to what you might expect. You have done many methods, techniques, yantras, mantras, tantras and cerebral laxative, Christ! you have done them all. You have read hundreds of books on walking up stairs, but that next step is always a mystery, because you don't know if it is there or not in that dark mist around your feet. 

Family, friends and a well meaning waitress at Dennys are saying 'DON"T DO IT', but you feel compelled to take the next step. Phew! it's there, the support you continue to THINK you require is just underfoot.

ONE DAY, BANG, WTF... no step to support you and there is no way back. You tumble into everything and nothingness and mystery and knowingness.... it's all here....you look up, and order waffles with extra cream. Nothing special, but a strawberry on top would be nice. That's all folks, no... really..... that's all.

onsdag 2. juli 2014

The secret ...

This is the same message as Jesus or Buddha or all the Zen Masters, but striped of any tradition, lineage, or dogmas. Once, this message used to be the secret mystical teaching that only those who had been practicing, or on the spiritual path for many years, and had attained certain spiritual qualifications to prove that he was ready, could have access to. It was greatly respected because it was understood to be truly dangerous to those who might misinterpret it. Now, in our modern age of technology this message is much more freely available (and more open to misinterpretation). However, this does not mean that it is not still mortally dangerous to what you think about yourself. If there is any kind of crack in your belief system, this message can really destroy your life as you think you know it. But if you already feel that the life you have been living, is only one pretence after another, then you are willing to risk it all, to wake up to what is true. This is the courage to stand alone.
I have no tradition. I have no lineage. I have no permission to speak from some nice old man. I stand naked with nothing to hold on to and no back-up. And yet, as Life itself, there is no way to prevent this pouring out of what is true.