fredag 31. januar 2014

You always get what you want

Whatever your life is about =  what you really want. 

If you don't like what your life is about, using above formula, look what you really want. Not what you THINK you want.  You want awakening. Thats what you think. In reality you want comfort, no stress, you want to hold on tight to what you like and effortlessly get rid of what you don't like.  What you really want IS NOT your wanting, so whatever is going on right now is always wanted. 

Isn't it brilliant, simple and wonderful to always have what is really wanted?

tirsdag 28. januar 2014

Hvem er jeg?

Tankene mine anser meg som en egen, selvstendig enhet, født inn i en verden hvor jeg skal forflytte meg  rundt i tid og rom og det eneste jeg vet sikkert er at jeg en dag vil komme til å forsvinne. Jeg er altså et objekt, en blanding av tanker, følelser, opplevelser og oppfatninger. Eller, -jeg er hva jeg tror på og mener. Som separat enhet er en god beskrivelse av jeget en linse, en linse som er preget av ens livsbegrensninger. En anser seg som en kropp / sinn - en mann eller kvinne, høy, kort, sulten, trist, glad, intelligent, ung/ gammel osv - som vet eller ikke vet, opplever gjenstander, andre og verden. Jeg kjenner kroppen og sinnet akkurat som jeg kjenner verden. Jeg er kjenneren av erfaring, kroppen og sinnet er kjent. Det vil si at jeg kjenner tanker, følelser, opplevelser og oppfatninger, men er ikke selv laget av tanke, følelse eller oppfatninger av det ene eller det andre og kan derfor sies å være tom, stille, gjennomsiktig. Jeg er til stede og bevisst (Awareness).
Jeg tenker meg som en åpn, tom plass der alle kamper oppstår og som fysisk plass er jeg ikke påvirket av det som gjøres eller finner sted. Som tomrom har jeg ingen agenda med en opptreden. Det spiller ingen rolle for meg om sinnet er stille eller ikke, om kroppen er ung, gammel, sunn eller ikke, og heller ikke hva som skjer i verden. Jeg lar alle kamper betingelsesløst og upartisk være slik de er. Som tomrom deler jeg ikke de kvalitetene eller skjebnen til de objektene som vises i meg. Jeg vet ikke er tonen som fyller min separate del, den flyter med og beveger seg. Mitt egentlige er ikke født og jeg dør ikke. Kropp og sinn er alltid på reise, men jeg har aldri foretatt reisen. De reiser gjennom meg, men jeg reise aldri med. Jeg er uforanderlig og alltid tilstedeværende, kjenneren av alt som er kjent. 

søndag 26. januar 2014

There is no one..

 “So what you’re saying is that I can’t do anything, and that I have no responsibility?”. I keep on repeating -no, I’m not saying you can’t do anything, because that would imply that there’s someone who can’t do anything. The reality is- there is no one. That is something totally different.

Lots of so-called Advaita people just hate this message. They keep coming back to the argument that what I’m saying promotes laziness, that it’s a terrible, awful thing to say. They don’t comprehend what’s basically, fundamentally being said, and that is that there is no choice, there is no free will. There is no one. They totally and utterly still believe in the reality of individual choice. So they’ll go on arguing in duality.

onsdag 22. januar 2014

Richard Rose

Richard Rose said that the only real problem was that of self-definition. "We bounce from one illusion to another—one obsession to another." This is the story of humanity—a never ending bouncing about from illusion and obsession to more illusions and obsessions. To realize we bounce from illusion and obsession, and then to feel with our whole being that our only problem, and solution, lies in our need for self-definition, is what I believe to be the key to making genuine spiritual effort. The seeker as a young man did not grasp the fact that he was not a failure, not inferior, and not deprived. Those issues were the "problems" he was dealing with; they were not the problem of self-definition. His feelings of failure, inferiority, and deprivation propelled him into an endless round of illusion and obsession. Indeed, you could say this seeker was addicted or "hooked" on his illusions and obsessions. If he attempted to reverse his vector and develop intuition early on, perhaps he could have seen that even if he was not deprived of what he wanted or aspired to, he was traveling on a dead-end road. All of his wants and aspirations were of a transient nature. Instead, he could have spent considerable time and refection asking himself the questions: "What is the real problem in life?" and "What is the only real problem?"

mandag 13. januar 2014

To Radical?

It is easy to say that you want to discover the Truth, but when you understand that the Truth is not just the experience of love and peace, you may not be so sure that you want it any more. Recognizing who You really are will rob you of your deepest held ideas, beliefs, hopes, and dreams. It will turn your view of yourself and your life upside down. You will either hear this and find it unimaginably liberating, or you will find this extremely challenging indeed. This message is very radical. Perhaps, although you say that you want to discover the truth, you really enjoy the "search" far too much to actually find what you are searching for. What would you do without the "spiritual search?" What else could provide such addictive emotional highs and lows?
Do you really want to know the truth of who you are? Or do you still want to hide behind who you think you are or who you would like to be? I am pointing to the true nature of who you are, beyond who you would like to be, or who you believe yourself to be. This is not always what you want to hear. This is not a pep talk to make you feel better. This is simply pointing to the reality. Do you want to know the way it actually is? For better or for worse? Or do you want to go on living in a dream, hoping that one day things will change? Who are you right now? You have a name. But are you just a label? Who are you really? It seems to take some courage to really see who you are beyond labels and appearances. Are you a bunch of memories and a story of who you have been or who you would like to become? Are you limited to what you think or what others have told you? Are you really someone who has problems, needs, and desires? Or have you always known that somehow, no matter what happens in life, that things are really ok? Somehow you always know that life is not as complicated as we often make it out to be. That no matter how hard life appears to be at times, that actually it is all really so easy.

Beyond all labels and ideas, what You are is Awareness itself. Aware of what ever is happening. Presence itself. Only ever present with no future or past. Timeless. Without reason or meaning. Meaninglessness beyond any idea of that being a depressing thought. Freedom beyond any idea or imagination. Freedom which is right now, which never needs to ‘break free’ from any bonds. Absolute fulfillment which has always been fulfilled even when you were searching for fulfillment. Absolute wholeness even when you believe that there is something missing.

søndag 12. januar 2014


After searching for it -one day the seeing that it was not there and never had been there to either find or eradicate. There was the seeing that there never had been any personal volition happening prior. That everything had happened on its own and was continuing to do so just as it always had done, just without a label. It seemed no big deal not to find an I, no great surprise, just a very natural finding. The thought was just dropped and then there was huge, immediate relief, peace and rest and beautiful physical relaxation and expansiveness happening. Any guilt disappeared and was not found again for spacious innocence was seen to be happening in all things, including what I had thought 'I'd been.' After the I was seen through as only a label it then seemed the first breath was taken, except it always had been breathing itself, so no difference. That was the best thing. No difference. 

Before: unease, pushing, seeking, effort, friction, confusion. After, ease, release, freedom, indefinite expansion, blue skies, space, light, senses observed/transformed as if they were now open to daylight, to hear, see, smell, taste, touch for the first time without limitation, but life was observed as exactly the same as before, just arising of itself. The persona immediately felt to expand as the universe and free to be enjoyment. Now, no lack anywhere, in anything. All was always All for All and always had been.