søndag 30. november 2014

Just this..

The whole mind falls to bits and there is nothing to hold on to, that’s not to say that all the teachings that you had in the past weren't perfect – they couldn't have been any other way, that was how your story had to go but now the whole constructs of mind fall apart - nothing makes sense because it is now beginning to be seen as 'just is' – rather than somebody doing something, weather that be God or another human. Life is just happening without anybody doing anything and this baffles the mind cause and effect are just apparent really there has only ever been and only ever will be this and all the teachings become a bit senseless. Nothing is left to hold onto. Complete free fall in love. Although even that is just a thought and can't be held on to just this... which contains all of this...

mandag 17. november 2014

The Storyteller is absolutely useless..

The question is, 'who' is the one writing the impulses into the body? That's the most amazing part. The storyteller always comes after. They can scan the body now and see that the activity is already happening to make a choice before you consciously think about making that choice. It's amazing that the thought is appearing after the action.

We are so convinced that that is who we are and that we are choosing, whereas the claiming is just a side product that has happened. Its like there is an over-excited activity of the brain or an energy that is claiming things. You never need to make boundaries, boundaries will happen. When you're sitting there thinking, "Should I tell him no or should I tell him yes”, it’s already been decided. It's already happening in the body. The answer is already coming. The personal activity is absolutely useless.

fredag 7. november 2014


Spiritual life imposes many conditions on the ‘impure’ and ‘separate’ individual – special meditations, appropriate behaviours, ceremonies, diets, sexual conduct, destruction of the ego, cessation of thought, finding the stillness, surrendering to the guru, etc.

Consciousness, already being Consciousness in whatever form it appears, has no need of a vegetarian diet, celibacy, tantric sexuality, meditation or gurus. Consciousness is already all of these things. If there is a liking for chanting, meditation, eating vegetarian food or practising tantric sex, then that’s all fine. But it won’t help the recognition of this which You already are.