mandag 25. august 2014

This is it..

It's about falling in love with whatever is here. This doesn't mean that you should always like, or approve of, whatever is here, but that you know that whether you like it or not, it is here anyway. There is no escape. This is the surrender of thinking you have any control, or that there is the need to make any effort. There is nowhere to move. Only whatever is here.

mandag 18. august 2014

A dream

Everything is a dream. Every reality, every life, every existence is absolutely the same as the dreams we see at night. Short or long, pleasant or not, they are dreams. The only reality is this abstract dreaming power. If you get hooked to a dream, the sense of 'me' arises. This is what makes it 'feel' more real than the sleep dreams. The sense of doership arises along with the me. It is non-existent just like in our night dreams nobody decided to do anything, and nothing ever happened. But this is hard to accept once you feel like a 'me'. Along with 'me' also come emotional attachments, loving relationships, burning desires, etc. To understand that it's all a dream feels like tossing them aside, like killing them. So the dreamer is trapped in a strange condition. On one hand, this sense of 'me' gives rise to endless tribulations, worries and sufferings, but on the other hand to open our eyes to the reality of things seems like a huge suffering in itself. It seems like killing all you've ever loved. It's an unsettling predicament. The dreamer is stuck. The dreamer will be released anyway with the death of the body, but knowing this doesn't help, in fact it is another factor that makes this 'being stuck' state worse. Enlightenement is the built-in mechanism to help you move on, like a seat-ejection functionality. It is maturity for the dreamer, to learn how to deal with the reality that has been made real by the belief in it. How to finish the ongoing authoring of the story cleanly and then close the book permanently and move on.

 "In a little while you will be alone in shoreless space, to wander its limitless solitudes without friend or comrade forever--for you will remain a thought, the only existent thought, and by your nature inextinguishable, indestructible. But I, your poor servant, have revealed you to yourself and set you free. Dream other dreams, and better!"  Mark Twain - The Mysterious Stranger

onsdag 13. august 2014

Å miste gud

Når du våkner opp og realiserer hvem du er /ikke er så dør du mens kroppen forsatt er i livet. Den skal bevege seg rundt i verden uten lenger å ha et selv i seg. Da tar du også livet av gud, -alle du kjenner. -alle du har kjent, og elsket. ( Det betyr ikke at du skal ta livet av noen -vi snakker på det mentale planet...). Det å miste seg selv betyr at du mister alle andre- alt og alle for alltid, så om du er på denne veien bør du være over middels glad i ditt eget selskap-fordi du er alt som er.

mandag 11. august 2014

Back to basics

Varied as it may be I am pretty darn sure you came here in seeking mode. Some of you seek enlightenment, Truth realization, non-duality, Buddha-hood..The key here doesn't lie in what you are seeking. They are just labels, pretty much worthless, but it gives us all something to talk about. Of course, what you seek can't be labeled. How could it possibly be as it is the source of all labels. To actually label 'it' would bring it down from 'Source' to just another dreamed object. Anything you can label is not 'It'. Think about that for a moment.
Now, back to basics, there is some invisible, amorphous, ineffable, intangible, in-anything-you-wantable, that is actually the source of this seeking you experience. Important point, it's not the sought and it's not the seeker. Both of those are just labeled dream characters that we have objectified, turned into 'things'. What you are truly seeking is It, it is the seeking itself (taken as a verb is the best we can do here). Please read that last sentence again.

Now, if you find it, THAT'S  NOT 'IT'! Things get very strange at this point. To repeat, the seeking is what you seek. Can you wrap you head around that. It's not a thought or a knowing that you end up with, it's more like a profound understanding, and that's not being expressed terribly well by me. Once again, the seeking itself, and a profound understanding of it, is all that enlightenment is. This seeking is 'It'. Ah, geez, I know I'm repeating myself. Let me try it another way.

You sit back and think, 'I want to get ... O.K. Then you go looking for it....all over the place. Everywhere that it isn't. It's no 'where' anyways and certainly not 'out there' where most folks look. It's really back at that first step, the 'I want to get ...' There was a moment what seeking occurred and THAT IS IT!  Can you be aware that your seeking is all there is to this.

Now, this can be expanded. You can say that the Source created the Objective world and now they are trying to rejoin, as it were. O.K. Got it. What happens when you take the positive and negative poles of a battery and connect them. The battery loses it's power, it drains to nothing. The power disappears. Please contemplate that in a similar manner understanding the Seeking and just being with it will eventually result in the illusion of a universe disappearing, the draining down of the source (of illusion), the battery. It is well represented in the Yin/Yang thing, but that's an explanation for another day.

Thank you for your time. I'd enjoy hearing your feedback. Keep in mind, theseeking is the sought thereof. Make it a temptra (a temporary mantra in Sanscrypt) then throw it away.

'So, what do you do when the universe disappears.' The answer is, 'You do what you have always done, you continue to pretend it exists and just get on with life.' This is the point where some sages say that nothing changes, and it is true that nothing changes, nothing gained or lost, other than......

onsdag 6. august 2014


I want to know what you really want. To be like .....? To be like someone else? To be in a continuous state of something or other? To be in (insert whatever you want here)? Try my take on for size. You want to be free of wanting. But you go about it by wanting something. If it was easy this world would be a very different place. Head it off at the pass. Not by wanting more, but by wanting to know who it is that is consumed by all the wanting...tangentially.

The only possible avenue for you to want is for you to be something. Nothing wants for nothing. Something is always wanting for more and mostly in an effort to make it more of a something. Now, because your something is actually nothing, it's very insecure, hence the tendency to jump to anything that promises something. The highest teaching will only offer you nothing, hence, it's not an easy sell. Mental bangles, sparkles, excitement, change the world, yourself, your finances. IT IS ALL APPEARING IN A COMIC BOOK AND THAT INCLUDES THE YOU YOU THINK YOU ARE.

We are all just caricatures in a comic. The writer is One and the same ink is used for us all. But, he/she gives us different shapes and colors and story lines.The characters that we are hallucinate that we are the comic writer. Typical and understandable because we inherently know of our profound inability to change the comic book, only the writer can change the story. Try as we may, we can do nothing, other than realize we are the drafted up characters in a story written by 'other than ourselves'. Further, there is nothing substantial to us. Just try to change reality. Go for it. I'm not talking about changing the future, that's even more ridiculous. Watch that person crossing the street and condemn her, deny her, stop her from walking, make her more beautiful or homely, make her loveable or despicable.

You cannot change reality, only label it and play games with those labels, but ALL IN YOUR HEAD... nothing more or less. Set out to change something, let's say make it a sunny day tomorrow. It works, OMG it's sunny, YOU did it! What happened was your wish was aligned with the writer's, nothing more or less. Watch how your mind rebels against this, but rebel as it may, it cannot change anything other than the story that is stuck in it... your story... make it good or bad, I hate to tell you that not a single person in the world gives a damn because they are too busy making up and rearranging their own stories. What to do, well... nothing really. There is absolutely nothing you can do. In my opinion, just relaxing, sitting back, observing, and remembering to breathe is about the best you can do. Just be with what is, not what your story is, but what really is. It's simple, just let go of all wanting and all illusion of control. What could be simpler. Doesn't it make sense that if you actually have no control, why bother struggling for some. How about just bringing you attention to the story being revealed. Do you think the comic book writer is not competent? Could a comic character ever really hurt or be hurt by another character? Have you noticed how serious you and other characters can get?

lørdag 2. august 2014

The world

Supposedly, the world as we know it is just an illusion. All of our ordinary everyday life is nothing but an appearance in consciousness – not some special magical consciousness, but simply our ordinary everyday field of experience – and as such, it’s not only the substratum of that experience, but the ultimate reality of everything. In other words, there is no material objective universe. There is no time and space out there. There is only experience; only sense perceptions – just like in a dream. But unlike a dream, there’s no real reality outside. There’s nothing outside of these perceptions – there is no outside.
Since I knew that we could never verify what’s beyond our own experience, it seemed to me that this new alternative model was at least logically viable. One of the infinitely many possibilities, I thought, was that there’s absolutely nothing out there – but that would also be infinitely unlikely. But according to that same logic, our ordinary consensus model of reality—the universe-model—would then also be infinitely unlikely; it would just be another one of infinitely many possibilities.